Saturday, September 8, 2012

How to Make Your Butt Bigger Through Exercise

Exercise is a great way to make your butt bigger. This is due to the fact that the buttocks are primarily made up of muscle. The buttocks are together with the legs and the back the biggest muscles on your body. You use them constantly when walking or running. So if you want to start out slowly you can begin to incorporate butt building exercises into your daily life.

If possible, walk instead of taking the car or the bus. If you have longer distances to travel, ride a bicycle. It is good exercise, fun and economical. Take the stairs instead of the elevator when going into a building. Running up stairs is great for your butt and it is good for your heart as well.

When sitting for extended periods of time, such as when travelling or working in an office, constantly squeeze/flex your buttocks, relax and then repeat again and again.

This is a good start and it will make your butt firmer and also improve its shape. However if you really want to make your butt noticeably bigger you need to do more than this.

What you need to make your butt bigger through exercise are some really good exercises specifically targeting your buttocks. If you have little time or money and you can not join a gym, there are plenty of great butt building exercises that can be performed at home (or anywhere else for that matter) with little or no equipment.

You should work out at least 3 times a week. Start out slowly and then gradually increase the resistance and intensity.

Remember, the most important thing is that the exercise actually gets done. If you can't fit all of your exercises into one workout, divide them into several. If you have 5 minutes in the morning, do an exercise, then another one at lunch time and another one in the evening and so on.

So which exercises do you do? There are many, many, but I will give you four examples of simple but effective butt building exercises.

• Frog squats: just like regular squats with the exception that you keep your knees apart with your legs forming a v. Slowly bend your legs until legs are parallel to the floor and then slowly rise. Repeat until it gets difficult to get back up.

• Sideway Leg raises: Hold on to a doorpost or a pole then extend your leg sideways and lift if as high as you can, descend and repeat. Change legs. This is also good for your inner thighs. For more resistance put a weight around your ankle.

• Lunges: Take a big step forward until your leg is parallel to the floor (note: your knee must not pass in front of your toes as this can otherwise be harmful to your knee) then get back up. Repeat until getting up gets difficult then change legs.

• Bridges: Lay flat on your back with legs bent at a 45 degree angle; lift your butt as high as you can while squeezing your buttocks. Lower your butt slowly and repeat.

The hardest thing is just to get started. Start out slowly and do these exercises a few times a week, remember to eat well and rest between work outs to allow your muscles to recover. In a few weeks time you will notice that your butt is getting rounder, firmer and sexier.

It is easy to get big, round and sexy looking butt in only six weeks you can add 2 inches or more to your booty with a minimum of effort and make it bigger and sexier. Go to to find out how to make Your Butt Bigger through exercises Joakim is living in Sweden and is experienced in fitness and martial arts. He is particularly interested in how to shape the body. Check out his blog and find out how to get a bigger butt quickly.

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